Delete Recordings by Queue and by Date

Delete Recordings by Queue and by Date via API

Looking over this link:

looking through all of the options, we don’t see where we can identify the recordings by queue, only by the organization. We will need to run this API/Script at the top of each month until the status of the recordings catches up to the policy.

Is there a way to locate and bulk delete recordings by Queue? Maybe we are overlooking something in this above mentioned article?

Hi @gmiller
Yes, you can filter by queue using the conversationQuery. The following is a direct API request body, but it can be adapted to the JavaScript SDK.

  "action": "DELETE",
  "conversationQuery": {
    "interval": "2024-02-13T00:00:00/2024-02-14T00:00:00",
    "segmentFilters": [
        "type": "and",
        "predicates": [
            "type": "dimension",
            "dimension": "queueId",
            "value": "<QUEUE-ID>"

You can see the range of things you can define in the conversation query in the listing for this resource in API explorer

Not sure of your environment but it may be easier to do this through using the GC.EXE tool and a scripting language, like Powershell.
Done the same thing in powershell, building the conversationQuery to pass to the GC commands to perform the jobs required to DELETE recordings (more than one API).
That can then be automated with a scheduled routine as well; as you mention it's a monthly task.

Note, you cannot see when recordings are actually deleted from the API responses.
You can set the job off and get a status of FULFILLED but in reality it is going on in the background and can take up to 48hours according to documentation (Although my experience is more like a couple hours)

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