I am trying to process multiple DeleteArchitectPrompt calls concurrently using Tasks and having issues.
I have a sample of 400 prompts which I have uploaded. I can delete them one at a time without issue. However if I loop over the list and run 5 concurrent deletes asynchronously I will eventually start getting the following 400 errors back.
Error calling DeleteArchitectPrompt: {"message":"Bad Request","code":"bad.request","status":400,"contextId":"b524f72f-cba3-42c3-95a5-544f0fe73e64","details":[],"errors":[]}
The error is completely devoid of any details.
I know the request are valid, and well formed ,because I can run the same code with only 1 or 2 concurrent deletes and every will run just fine.
I am not receiving a 429 error so I am within the rate limit.
Any ideas?
Update - I just put up a network trace and all of the errors I receive have this http header being returned.
X-Cache: Error from cloudfront