Deploy webRTC phones for Genesys users with azure (Or Genesys) Automatically

We have a user provisioning integration with Azure for Genesys. This integration creates a user and subsequently adds it to a group with their respective roles/permissions. Is there a way to also provision a WebRTC phone directly through Azure to this recently created user or an automation in Genesys I could use for creating a WebRTC phone for all new users? I know the API and SDK are an option but I would like to keep our user onboarding automation as low code as possible.

I don't think this exists today, unfortunately. We ran into the same issue. I have created an azure automation runbook that runs daily (or more often as needed) that will look for any users who have a license but do not have a phone assigned and it will create and assign it for them. It's a work around and I know you are trying to avoid that - we were too but never found a good solution that didn't involve code.

There's not a "create phone too" checkbox anywhere (on the Genesys side). You must create it as you would any other thing you want to create in Genesys Cloud. Here's a guide and there are several past forum posts about creating webrtc stations that might help.

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