We are using the .Net Platform API Client SDK to log into PureCloud, control calls, etc. Our agents will be using the Webrtc Media Helper webpage running from their home PCs for audio. We have their phones setup to "Require WebRTC Media Helper".
Is there an API call we can make or some way we can check to make sure that the Media Helper page is up and connected before letting them log in and go available for calls? We've used the API (see below) to pull back the Agent's phone (by userId) but don't see anything that indicates that the WebRTC Helper phone is connected. We've tried pulling the object back at different times (even when on a call) and most of the properties always contain null values.
PhoneEntityListing result = apiInstance.GetTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhones(null, null, null, null, null, userId);
We're looking for some guidance on how we can check to make sure the Agent has the WebRTC Helper page up and running. A couple properties off of the Phone object that sounded promising but are always null no matter when we check them are listed below...
State - Indicates if the resource is active, inactive, or deleted.
Status - The status of the phone and lines from the primary Edge.