Disable Cache for acces_token in oAuth DataAction

We are trying to set up a third party service where we need to set a shorter time-to-live than Genesys Cloud handles by default.
Is it possible to manually set the TTL of an integration or disable the access_token cache completely?

Hi Franco,

We currently don't have any way to alter or disable our authentication cache. We have not had any customer issues with this cache since it will refresh itself if we get an authentication error prior to the TTL expiring. What issue are you facing with our current approach?


Hi Jason.

The situation we are having is that the services provided by our client do not return the 401 status code.
If you use an expired token, only the response body indicates this, because the HTTP status is still 200 OK.
That's why we want to decrease the TTL of the cache so the cached tokens expires before they are already expired in thhe service.

Hello again,

Unfortunately I don't think that there is any way for us to support what you need out of the box. You are welcome to enter an idea at https://genesyscloud.ideas.aha.io/ideas however due to this being outside of the HTTP spec, I think it is very unlikely that we would add support for it.

I'm hard pressed to think of any way to support this without some middleware, although you can always use an AWS Lambda or Google Function as that middleware.


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