Divisional issue when assign role to new Client Credential

When we create a new client credentials OAuth client, we are noticing that that no divisions are listed in the drop-down when you attempt to assign a role.

We know that the Role needs to be assign to the User that is creating the OAuth account for the Role to appear as an option in the OAuth roles tab.

Doing some investigation we have found is that:

  • If the Role is assigned to you with the Divisions explicitly listed, then this list is available in the OAuth.

  • But if the role is assigned to you with All Divisions, then none of them show up as options when attempting to assign the role in the OAuth.

To me this seems like a bug?

Just seeking clarification if this is correct, or is there a reason for this behavior.


The documentation doesn't indicate that you can't use roles if you have all divisions. Please report this issue with the UI to Genesys Cloud Care.

Cool, will do. Thanks Tim!

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