Download Recordings using /api/v2/recording/jobs (Archive Option)

Hello, I am trying to download all recordings for a specific interval in our Org using this endpoint:

POST /api/v2/recording/jobs

With this payload:

  "action": "ARCHIVE",
  "actionDate": "2024-04-17T11:23:54.692Z",
  "includeScreenRecordings": true,
  "conversationQuery": {
    "interval": "2024-04-14T00:00:00.000Z/2024-04-20T00:00:00.000Z",
    "order": "asc",
    "orderBy": "conversationStart"

and after sending a successful request, i got the jobId and I checked its status using this Endpoint:

GET /api/v2/recording/jobs/{jobId}

Response Payload:

  "id": "64e62cff-12b4-4656-a09d-7a0778d36879",
  "state": "READY",
  "recordingJobsQuery": {
    "action": "ARCHIVE",
    "actionDate": "2024-04-17T11:23:54.692Z",
    "includeRecordingsWithSensitiveData": false,
    "includeScreenRecordings": true,
    "conversationQuery": {
      "order": "asc",
      "orderBy": "conversationStart",
      "interval": "2024-04-14T00:00:00.000Z/2024-04-20T00:00:00.000Z",
      "startOfDayIntervalMatching": false
  "dateCreated": "2024-04-17T11:24:11.052Z",
  "totalConversations": 110,
  "totalRecordings": 58,
  "totalSkippedRecordings": 0,
  "totalFailedRecordings": 0,
  "totalProcessedRecordings": 0,
  "percentProgress": 0,
  "selfUri": "/api/v2/recording/jobs/64e62cff-12b4-4656-a09d-7a0778d36879",
  "user": {
    "id": "ed57a779-f148-42a0-bc0e-e948794979e9",
    "selfUri": "/api/v2/users/ed57a779-f148-42a0-bc0e-e948794979e9"

The question is, how can i download all the 58 recordings after i successfully archived them?

Any hint would be appriciated.


Hi @Tarik
Have you seen this guide on downloading recordings in the Developer Center?

Hi @jacobshaw ,

Yes i've seen it and used it before, but it is incredibly slow, and expansive, a specially when downloading hundreds of gigabytes of recordings

I am looking for alternative..