Downloading Recordings

Hello. I am trying to download recordings from the following endpoint using python:

Is this the best option to use when trying to download a recoding based on the conversationId?
I am accessing the link to the recording through the 'mediaUri' and then downloading the recoding as below:

uri = data[0]['mediaUris']['0']['mediaUri']
response = requests.get(uri, stream=True)

This works and I can then open the .wav file but I am only hearing one side of the conversation. What do I need to do to enable both the caller and receiver audio? is there a 2nd object under 'mediaUri' for the caller and I am only accessing the recording for the receiver?

If so how can I get the full conversation in one .wav file?

Any help would be much appreciated.


The URI should be the full mixed recording. Have you tried going into the Genesys Cloud conversation view to see if you can hear the full recording of both sides? Can you share the full code you are using to request the recording?

Alex Johnson achieve cx

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