Email message textBody can be null

When we use /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId} to get an email message, sometimes the textBody is null (though the docs mark it as required) and htmlBody is populated.

What might be the root cause for this?

Many thanks


Yes, your are correct.
The from field is the sessionId in un-authenticated mode.

Best regards,

Thanks for your reply VP, but I can't see how it relates to my question.

I was hoping to find out the reason that the textBody is an email can be null (though the docs mark it as required) and the htmlBody is populated


Sorry about the confusion.
The reply was intended to another post. Not sure what happened here. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Regarding your issue, few questions:

  • Can you provide a link to the doc you are referring to ?
  • Can you provide a conversationId with such behavior ?
  • What is frequency of the issue ?
