Embeddable framework and SSO


We are running SSO and embedded framework in our custom CRM solution.
We get an error when signing it from within the iframe: "refused to frame [our SSOURL] because ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: frame-ancestors:self".

The SSO works correctly outside of the window (e.g. logging to purecloud or taking iframe scr URL outside our CRM) .

We are running iframe with dedicatedLoginWindow=true and the sso URL has been added to "Authorized redirect URIs" in the SSO configuration. The framework.js contains only specifies SSO with two properties: provider and orgName. We also added domain as sso URLS to "Allowed Embeddable Domain(s)" and "Restrict Genesys Cloud Embedding" is off.

We also tried to use "Popup authentication for embedded iframes" but it did not change anything.

Thank you in advance.