Embedded client getAuthToken action failing


This is very close to this post

But, by reading it I was not able to make my setup work, so, here I go:

in my framework.js file I am setting:
window.PureCloud.User.getAuthToken((token) => {
console.log("TOKEN: " + token);
document.cookie = "token=" + token;

And in my iframe I have (edited to remove 1st < and last > so that the text shows, otherwise the page do not display the text):
iframe id="softphone" allow="camera *; microphone *" src="Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework"></iframe

the clientId is also setup properly in the framework.js file as (id replaced with "*"):
window.Framework.config.clientIds = {
'cac1.pure.cloud': '**************************************'

But still, I keep having the error "You are not authorized to access the auth token. Auth tokens require the use of a configured clientId"

my clientId is configured in the uploaded js file (I can see it shows the correct id in the downloaded browser framework.js file), but still, I keep having this error

Any ideas if this is working anywhere? If yes, any ideas if I am doing something wrong?

Also, just to confirm, this would allow calling "POST /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages" with the retrieved auth token as Bearer Token Authentication to send email on behalf of an agent, right?

Is your org in the US-East-1 Region?

Hello, no, it is in the cac1 region, thus I am using:

window.Framework.config.clientIds = {
'cac1.pure.cloud': '**************************************'

Do you see anything wrong regarding the region?

PS.: Just sharing, those are the "Authorized redirect URIs (one per line)" set at my oauth client (Token Implicit Grant (Browser)):

And all the scopes described here are set:

Just tried again to make sure and still keep having error "You are not authorized to access the auth token. Auth tokens require the use of a configured clientId"

If you're seeing the error, "You are not authorized to access the auth token. Auth tokens require the use of a configured clientId," it's possible that the iframe URL is missing the optional query string parameter called ?enableFrameworkClientId=true. This query parameter is needed to use your own clientIds to access getAuthToken. Please see https://developer.genesys.cloud/platform/embeddable-framework/deployments/iframe-urls for details.

Hi, thanks for following up, enableFrameworkClientId=true parameter is set as shown in the line 14 of my initial post here.

But, I did found that using window.parent.postMessage to post the token works well to expose the user token to the page embedding it, the problem I started seeing now is CORS errors when calling the Platform API /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages using the user token, I suppose that Genesys is not designed to handle this type of scenario so I advised the client to use Agentless email instead and we are evaluating this possibility since would require to use a new domain.

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