Error deleting queues

We ran a Terraform Apply for 238 queues where around 100 were to be deleted.
This "apply" did not complete successfully, instead it gave below error and stopped:

{"@level":"error","@message":"Error: Queue xxxxx0649a still exists","@module":"terraform.ui","@timestamp":"2023-11-10T16:56:40.552635Z","diagnostic":{"severity":"error","summary":"Queue xxxxx0649a still exists","detail":""},"type":"diagnostic"}
{"@level":"error","@message":"Error: Queue xxxxxd62b still exists","@module":"terraform.ui","@timestamp":"2023-11-10T16:56:40.552827Z","diagnostic":{"severity":"error","summary":"Queue xxxxxd62b still exists","detail":""},"type":"diagnostic"}
Operation failed: failed running terraform apply (exit 1)

When I checked these queues on UI, they do not appear in UI. So seems like TF was able to delete them.

Can someone please help.

Hi Nishant,

I am speaking with our routing team on this. The error message you are getting indicates that the queue delete call successfully occurred. Still, we always check after our deletes to make sure that the queue is deleted by attempting successive reads over and over again (for up to 30 seconds) in case there is asynchronous behavior occurring with deletes. We do this because when Terraform deletes something it expects it to be deleted immediately. If there are other dependencies in the terraform scripts we have to make sure that the delete is good before we continue one.

It appears based on the error message that the queue API was still returning that the queue was present beyond 30 seconds even though eventually the queue was deleted.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

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