Hi Team,
We have Data source definition of script, which was working fine since 2023 and no recent changes are performed in that script, but suddenly it has started failing. Here are the details:
data "genesyscloud_script" "testscript" { name = "testscript" }
testscript-id = data.genesyscloud_script.testscript.id --> Failing on Get ID(Working earlier)
Error in Plan:
Error: Failed to get Script GET https://xxxpure.cloud/api/v2/scripts/published?pageSize=50&pageNumber=1&name=testscript giving up after 21 attempt(s)
│ {"resourceType":"genesyscloud_script","errorMessage":"Unable to build a message from the response because the APIResponse does not contain the appropriate data."}
│ with data.genesyscloud_script.testscript,
│ on data_source.tf line 17, in data "genesyscloud_script" "testscript":
│ 17: data "genesyscloud_script" "testscript" { name = "testscript" }
Can you please check if any changes are done in Get functionality?
As a workaround we have hardcoded script in main.tf and commented out data definition.
Rohit S