Error from PutUsersPresencesBulk()

I'm using the PutUsersPresencesBulk() to update a group of agents presence to an off queue presence. What I'm seeing is that I'm getting an exception from the API, The requested operation failed with status 500","code":"internal.server.error","status":500

It will actually set the first agent in the user id list to off queue but will still throw the exception. I tried this in the api explorer to see if I got a different behavior there but I'm getting the same error. I kept the test simple and just used a single user id. This is the body of the request in api explorer:

"presenceDefinition": {
"id": ,
"source": "PURECLOUD"

I'm not sure what I could be doing wrong. The user above was on queue when I run these tests.

Thank you.

Please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate this issue. All 5xx errors are server-side issues and require Care's engagement.

Will do. Thanks.

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