Hi Team,
We are trying to remove some queue and update some from the system and plan is failing with the following error:
Failed running command "cd '/terraform' && envdir /env terraform show -json /terraform/terraform.tfplan" (exit 1)
Output: Failed to marshal plan to json: error marshaling prior state: unsupported attribute "managed"
Queue update in place:
module.routing_queue.genesyscloud_routing_queue.abcname will be updated in-place
~ resource "genesyscloud_routing_queue" "abcname" {
id = "abcID"
name = "abcname"
~ skill_evaluation_method = "ALL" -> "NONE"
(17 unchanged attributes hidden)
- bullseye_rings {
- expansion_timeout_seconds = 120 -> null
- skills_to_remove = [
- "abcID",
] -> null
Can you check the issue and suggest?