Error returning complete results with CLI (autopagination)

Results seem to "load" indefinitely for gc speechandtextanalytics topics list -a -i
Runs fine/as expected without -a

Tried with Mac (homebrew) as well as on Windows.

Hi @Haley_Sims

This is a bug within our CLI tool. We will create a ticket and get a dev working on this as soon as we can. It should be fixed in the next two weeks or so. When the bug fix is released, we will let you know on this thread.

Thanks for reporting.


(Tracking with DEVTOOLING-756)

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Hi @Haley_Sims
Looking into this issue further, it appears that auto pagination works with the latest version. does this issue still arise if you run the command on the latest version? The documentation for updating to it can be found Here

  • Brian
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