Error When Enabling the WFM Time-off HRIS Integration

I am trying to setup a WFM HRIS integration as per the Dev Center blueprint:

When enabling the integration an error displays "Execution of time off types workflow for validation failed for integration". I am unable to select the integration when configuring a time-off plan within WFM. If I manually run the workflow using the API explorer it runs successfully and I do not receive any errors.

When validating integration, the system tries to run a workflow that is configured to get time-off types from external system. That workflow does not have input parameters, but in case of successful execution, the system expects certain output variables to be set.
Please, make sure that you set the following output variables:

  • Flow.status = Complete
  • Flow.statusCode = 200
  • Flow.ids and Flow.names are lists of strings and have the same length.

Hi Vidas,

My workflow was missing the Flow.status output for some reason, once I added this in the Integration can now be activated without error.

I have added a HRIS enabled time-off plan to one of my Management Units in WFM. However, if I log in as an agent assigned to this Management Unit and go to Time-Off Requests - Check balance, it states that I am not currently associated with an HRIS enabled time-off plan:

If I go to the Agents screen in WFM I can see that HRIS shows as none of the agents in the Management Unit and there is no way to change this:

Time-off plan is matched to time-off request during time-off auto-processing. If there is HRIS associated time-off plan, then agent needs to be associated with the same HRIS integration for that plan to match.
It is possible to associate agent with active HRIS integrations either manually (from agents view in your screenshot above) or automatically by agent sync workflow.