Evaluate if agent sent message/webchat timer

Hi there, I've been trying to implement something similar to the timeout and warning messages, detailed in this post: Webchat Timeout for inactive interaction

However, I want to clear the timer I have set if the customer does send a message, at the moment I've got it to work but it either kept the timer running even if both agent/client send a message Or it clears the timer once the agent sends a message.
Our agents will always start the chat 'hello, how can I help?', I want the timer to start after this. I just genuinely don't know how I'm meant to do this. I've attached the relevant part of my script, this is the direction I was going in but not sure if it's right. Please note: I am not an actual coder, I can get by but this is pushing me to the limits of my knowledge.

I am also hoping that I can keep re-setting this timer every time an agent sends a message, and hopefully clear the timer every time the customer responds. But not even sure if that's possible.

We're using widgets v2. Please help! Cheers,

I also have a question:
Any idea why in 'content' in Workspace (sentiment/speech&text analytics) is recording the same conversation multiple times for messenger:

don't worry about the 1st one, I finally figured it out! forgot to do console.log() for the data to evaluate.

However, the 2nd image is still occurring for any messenger and SMS interactions, it seems we get a new row, every time a new response is made in that conversation. Very difficult to navigate the content section and sentiment score here when there are 20 rows for just 1 interaction.

Please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate the multiple recordings. Customer-specific data cannot be investigated via the forum.

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