Event containing a v2.detail.events.conversation.{id}.user.end without having a v2.detail.events.conversation.{id}.user.start

Hello everything is fine?
We currently use eventBridge to collect some events about user.Start and user.End, and recently we found that some conversation records were sent to user.end, but were not sent to user.start. Which is strange, because how was a call completed without its start event?
Is there any logic behind this?
We checked the application log that the user.start event did not actually come through the eventbridge.


For this conversation I have a user.end event, but I don't have a user.start event, what I would like to know is if this dependency exists.


I would suggest to open a ticket with Genesys Cloud Customer Care.
We do not have access to customer data/logs via the forum and can't investigate these.
Customer Care may be able to find more info on these conversations (logs/errors/...) as you seem to be able to provide specific conversationIds.
