EventBridge equivalent for CloudGov Regions

Hi Is AWS EventBridge Integration supported CloudGov regions (Ex: AWS East 02)?

I read in AWS documentation that AWS doesn't support Partner Event Source for AWS CloudGov regions. I am assuming this would mean we cannot use AWS EventBridge Integration for such regions.


If we need to refresh our datalake with all required data in realtime, what would be our options and that too without hitting API Rate Limits (if API were to be used)?

This is more of an AWS question than Genesys Cloud. It sounds like AWS will prevent you from configuring your event source using a govcloud region. You would need to use a region supported by AWS to use the EventBridge integration.

API rate limits are documented on each API resource. You can find general information about rate limits here: https://developer.genesys.cloud/platform/api/rate-limits

Thanks for your response.

As you mentioned using with any other supported AWS Region is an option, but most likely than not it should as data most likely shouldn't go to non gov instance of AWS.

Can you let us know if AWS Event Bridge integration being used by offered in CloudGov Region (US East 02) by Genesys and it is possible to confirm if any federal customers are using it?

You'll need to follow up with your AWS account rep for information on if/when they'll start allowing that. The restriction isn't imposed by Genesys.