Executing an IVR call-flow in non-debug mode (Run mode)

I am trying a sample call flow using the Architect. I see an option to Publish/Debug. But I don't see an option to run in the normal mode. How do I run in normal mode (non-debug) mode?


Click publish. Publish and debug are 2 different actions

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I clicked on Publish. It created a new version. And then how do I make a call? It does not generate a URL the way it generates when I click on Debug.

If I have to be more clear when I click on Debug I see a popup which looks like this :

Now I can copy and paste the above url into the softphone and make a call.

Similarly, I want to make a call in the non-debug mode, just to avoid all the debug announcements and see how the call progresses. How do I do that?

I found the answer. To run the application in the non-debug mode just copy the url without the 'debug' verbiage in the url.

Eg : HYD%20-%20Genesys%20Cloud%20Animal%20Care@localhost instead of

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