Export existing Architect callflows into YAML using Archy

I saw that in a recent genesys cloud feature release the option to export a callflow into YAML from Architect was rolled out. Is the same feature also available using Archy? Can we export existing architect flows into YAML using Archy?

Mourya Teja.

Hi @yalamanchilimourya,

Good news! Yes, with the 1.4.0 release of Archy that came out yesterday :), this functionality is now available.

Here's the Archy changelog page:


The command itself is createExport.

Here's the help:

Usage: archy export [options]

This command will export an existing Architect flow to a file. Specify the flow name, flow type and an optional version of the flow to
export, and Archy will export the flow to a file in the Archy home directory or a directory you specify. The full path to the exported file
will be returned by the export command.

  --flowName <flowName>                      the name of the flow to export.
  --flowType <flowType>                      the type of the flow. Valid values: 'bot', 'commonmodule', 'inboundcall', 'inboundchat',
                                             'inboundemail', 'inboundshortmessage', 'inqueuecall', 'outboundcall', 'securecall',
                                             'surveyinvite', 'workflow'

  --flowVersion <flowVersion>                (optional) the version of the flow (ex: '2.0'). Default: 'latest'.
  --force                                    (optional) tells Archy to overwrite the export file if it already exists when the command is run.
   (default: false)
  --outputDir <outputDir>                    (optional) directory where Archy should save the Architect flow export. If the directory structure
                                             to the fully qualified file path does not exist, Archy will attempt to create the directory
                                             structure that contains the file. If not specified, the Archy home directory will be used.

  --exportType <exportType>                  (optional) the export type for the flow. Default: 'architect'. Valid values: 'architect', 'yaml'
  --optionsFile <optionsFilePath>            (optional) specifies the path to an options file where you can specify command line parameter
                                             values or additional values such as substitution key value pairs.

  --debug                                    (optional) enables debugging output when running an Archy command. Running Archy in debug mode can
                                             potentially increase the amount of time it takes to run a command.

  --resultsFile <resultsFilePathOrFilename>  (optional) creates a JSON file with results from running an Archy command. If you specify just an
                                             output file name, it will be created in a 'results' directory inside of your archyHome directory.
                                             If you specify a fully qualified file path, Archy will attempt to write results to that file.  If
                                             the directory structure to the fully qualified file path does not exist, Archy will attempt to
                                             create the directory structure that contains the file. If a file name or path is not specified, an
                                             error will be thrown and the results output will not be created.

  --overwriteResultsFile                     (optional) tells Archy to overwrite the output JSON file if it already exists when the command is

  --authToken <authToken>                    (optional) specifies the authToken value to use instead of the Archy default authToken setting

  --clientId <clientId>                      (optional) specifies the clientId value to use instead of the Archy default clientId setting
                                             value. This is the client ID for an OAuth client with a client credentials grant.

  --clientSecret <clientSecret>              (optional) specifies the clientSecret value to use instead of the Archy default clientSecret
                                             setting value. This is the client secret for an OAuth client with a client credentials grant.

  --location <location>                      (optional) specifies the location value to use instead of the Archy default location setting
                                             value. Valid locations: 'dev', 'test', 'apne2.pure.cloud', 'aps1.pure.cloud', 'cac1.pure.cloud',
                                             'euw2.pure.cloud', 'mypurecloud.com', 'mypurecloud.com.au', 'mypurecloud.de', 'mypurecloud.ie',
                                             'mypurecloud.jp', 'usw2.pure.cloud'

  -h, --help                                 display help for command

One thing I would like to point out is that exportType parameter. This is a generic export function so make sure to specify that you want the flow exported as YAML or the export command will create an Architect formatted export file which isn't what you want here so command line parameter:

export --flowName myInboundCallFlowToExport --flowType inboundcall --exportType yaml <etc. etc.>

and obviously that would be something you can specify in an Archy options file as well.

You can give an output directory where the file should be written

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that the results output file formatting can be found there :point_up:

and notice there's an exportFilePath property

that's where they can get the location where Archy wrote the export

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