Export flow to YAML and import with Archy failed


I just export flow as yaml from my org and try to import it again but it failed.

Command: 'publish'
could not find the 'queue' by name using the value 'SK_Test2'.
Error details: You are not authorized to perform the requested action. (not.authorized)
Path: '/inboundCall/tasks/task[Soren Main_12]/actions/dataTableLookup[archy_dataTableLookup_4]/notFound/actions/transferToAcd[archy_transferToAcd_8]'
Property name: 'targetQueue'

I useed the command archy publish --recreate --file C:\Users\soren.kristiansen\Archy\archyHome\sabiodenmarkaps\SK_Main_v12-0.yaml

I can publish other files without queue?

It looks like the flow has a dependency on a queue that is not found in your org. If the flow references a queue, that queue should exist in the org.

Also make sure the credentials you pass to Archy have the appropriate permissions to create and publish a flow, including

  • architect:flow:add
  • architect:flow:unlock
  • architect:flow:publish

I am testing with a flow I just export from the Org and now just import it again to the same Org, therefore the Queue are in the Org.

On the permissions I have Architect:All set.

That's why I think it's weird.

Hi Soren,

Just one thing to check. Are you using divisions? If so, does the OAuth client have visibility to the division the queue and the flow are in? That is one thing I would check.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

No only Home division

Hi @sk_dk,

Does your oauth client have queue permissions? Such as Routing > Queue > All Permissions or maybe even just Routing > Queue > View. I wonder if the You are not authorized to perform the requested action error is coming back from trying to look up the queue.


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Thanks Jon

The problem was Routing > Queue > View it was Routing > Queue > Search :frowning:

Now it is working

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