Export skills and queues for each user in csv format


I was asked to create a csv file with all the users and their skills(proficiency) and queues. I thought i could use the CLI tools for this and format the data wit jq. I managed to do this with the following command:

gc users list --expand skills --autopaginate | jq -r '.[] | [ .name, ([.skills[].name + "(" + (.skills[].proficiency | tostring) + ")"] | join("|")) ] | @csv' > output.csv

this will result in the following csv: username,skillA(1)|skillB(5)

unfortunately it is not possible to expand queues, so i need to make an additional request for every user to get their queues.

Is it possible to add this to the above command, so i can create a csv like this: username,skillA(1)|skillB(5),queueA|queueB


If you have to make additional requests for every user then the best approach is probably to:

  1. Get a list of all userIds
  2. Iterate over each userId and make the requests to get their skills and queues. Append the output of this command to output.csv

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