External Metric - Gamification v2


This topic maheshp93 was closed withou any answers:

My question is the same: How to import data trough the gamification API?

The APIs you can't find are still in preview -

POST /api/v2/employeeperformance/externalmetrics/data

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Hello Deivid & Mahesh,

Sorry for the confusion here.

The External Metrics API will be available in next few days under https://developer.genesys.cloud/useragentman/gamification/

Till then you can see them under the preview page here - https://developer.genesys.cloud/platform/preview-apis.


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Thanks for the quick reply.

I have not noticed the "API Preview" page :smile:


The APIs are now available under main gamification APIs page on devportal - https://developer.genesys.cloud/useragentman/gamification/

It looks like the endpoint https://developer.genesys.cloud/useragentman/gamification/#post-api-v2-employeeperformance-externalmetrics-data to write external metric values only accepts one value by userId / metricId / dateOccured input params.
If you call this endpoint with the same input params but a different value, the last overwrites any previous value set for them (i.e: there is no addition of all the value submitted the input params set).

Therefore, is it correct to assume the intended use as only submit a value per day or, alternatively, do several calls but with the last valid value to be taken as the definitive??

Hi Ismael,

Yes, that is correct. However, we have an enhancement planned on roadmap to allow passing in incremental values throughout the day and then Genesys Cloud will aggregate the values at our side (as sum or average).

Thanks @Shikha_Khattar ! So, my assumptions about this endpoint were accurate.
Good to know we are planning on improving it to account for incremental values

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