externalContact on triggered workflow


I have workflow that is invoked by trigger based on event v2.detail.events.conversation.{id}.user.end

I am able to retrieve things like conversationId, queuid, user.... but externalContactId is not coming....

The event is having the data (below...)

"eventTime": 1710512097778,
"conversationId": "d0688a77-5e36-465c-a0da-614fcfded759",
"dialingDurationMs": 0,
"conversationExternalContactIds": [
** "7faa0244-ada3-4c12-a6f5-448094a013ed"**
** ],**
"conversationExternalOrganizationIds": [

How can i retrieve the id? I tried with string but it doesn´t work.

https://developer.genesys.cloud/platform/process-automation/ here the article talks about: " The callbackNumbers attribute would not be available because it is an array, not a primitive value." and i can see now the externalcontact is also array. Maybe now it can not be done that way?

I also tried to work with JSOn entry to workflow but i can see nothing. I have a input parameter (json type) but comes empty.

some help?

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