Failure for Queue - media_settings_callback - enable_auto_answer


We are attempting to set Queue enable_auto_answer setting for media_settings_callback through TF and are getting the failure below.

This is under Provider version 1.28.0.

Could you please investigate and advise?

media_settings_callback {
alerting_timeout_sec = 30
service_level_duration_ms = 20000
service_level_percentage = 0.9
enable_auto_answer = true

Error: mismatch on attribute media_settings_callback.0.enable_auto_answer:
expected value:
actual value: true

on modules/routing_queue/ line 1, in resource "genesyscloud_routing_queue" "cicd_test":
1: resource "genesyscloud_routing_queue" "cicd_test" {

When we remove enable_auto_answer, from media_settings_callback block it works without issues.

Thank you.

Hi jmakacek

Thanks for reporting this issue. It is indeed a bug in the provider. We'll get one of our devs working on it as soon as we can. You'll see this fixed on the next release.

Thanks again

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