Fetch request to voice transcript url is failing due to CORS from embedded framework

Hi Team,

I want to fetch the voice transcripts from the voice transcripts URL. I have followed the steps configured voice transcripts and I'm trying to fetch those data from embedded framework. We have integrated embedded framework in the Microsoft dynamics 365.

I have used JavaScriptsdk code from here https://developer.genesys.cloud/analyticsdatamanagement/speechtextanalytics/voice-transcript-guide

@jacobshaw @Greg_Boston @tim.smith

CORS errors are because you malformed your request so badly that the server was unable to process it or because your OAuth client is misconfigured and doesn't have the host you're using configured as a redirect.

Thanks for the reply @tim.smith.

I have given the host name properly. I'm facing this issue with "getSpeechandtextanalyticsConversationCommunicationTranscripturl" API only. "getConversation" API working fine. As I'm trying with localhost, I tried giving localhost URL in the redirect still same.

That's not a CORS error, that's a 404. The error message indicates that there is no transcript response with that ID. If you believe the 404 to be incorrect, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to report the issue.

yes, you are right @tim.smith . But for the available transcripts interactions I'm getting CORS issue. How do I solve this please let me know. I'm getting same error as in first screenshot. I do added localhost in redirect of oauth. Thanks in advance

If you're sure that your redirect is exactly correct and it's still not working, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate.

Is there any way we can get the voice transcripts in the interaction object. I'm facing CORS issue because I'm requesting to amazon s3 bucket for transcripts as Genesys is saving transcripts over there and server doesn't have CORS enabled. Is there any API like "Interaction.Message.getTranscript" for voice also. Thanks in advance.

Please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care.