Hi Genesys,
I wish to add a filter to a query, which I wish to post to analytics conversations aggregates. However, it seems like it is not possible to implement an advanced filter. More precisely I with to filter on mediaType being equal to 'voice' or 'callback' and queueId being equal to ''90e6a6ca-9d8b-4dc8-93a6-5df0bb00fa9f' or 'ceb68128-0fba-4252-9edd-8d0e2bb3ba69'.
I can create a filter for either of them, but I cannot not combine them. I believe them problem lies in the fact that the python class ConversationAggregateQueryClause only handles predicates and not clauses. Hence, I can create a predicate for both mediaType and queueId, but I cannot combine them with 'clauses', since this attribute does not exist.
I could implement a workaround by first posting a query only filtering based on mediaType and then post another query filtering on queueId and then finally perform an inner join, but this seems like a lot of work compared to just applying the correct filter from the beginning.
Please help me.
Best regards
Silas Friby