Filter with /api/v2/scim/users


We are developping our own SCIM connector to our LDAP.
I have a question regarding the filter usage and syntax.

We plan to give an externalId attribute to the user pushed from our LDAP, the manually provisionned user won't have this attribute. This will prevent the unmanaged user to be removed by mistake.

In order to get a list of only the synchronized users I though of using a filter like
externalId pr

But it does not seems to be supported (error 400) while the RFC7644 state that testing if an attribute is non empty should be possible ( RFC 7644 - System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Protocol (

I also tried to use multiple conditions on a filter and the results are always empty even if the filter is obvious, for example : userName eq my_user_email and active eq true

What do I do wrong ?


Multiple conditions are not supported by our implementation, which is why the userName eq my_user_email and active eq true will fail.
Search on the external ID is supported. There is an example in our API documentation.

(string) Filters results. If nothing is specified, returns all active users. 
Examples of valid values: "id eq 857449b0-d9e7-4cd0-acbf-a6adfb9ef1e9", "userName eq", 
"manager eq 16e10e2f-1136-43fe-bb84-eac073168a49", "email eq", 
"division eq divisionName", "externalId eq 167844", "active eq false", "employeeNumber eq 9876543210".`

There are some specifics about externals IDs you may need to know documented here -

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