Find if user was active on a queue during specified interval


Trying to see if there is a way to find if a user has been active on a queue during a specific historic time range.
I've tried both the /api/v2/analytics/users/details/query and /api/v2/analytics/queues/observations/query but cant seem to find what I'm looking for. Anyone done this before and can give me a hand?

Br Oscar

There is no queue (or skill) assignment history. It's "now" only.
The only way to know if someone was on a queue was for them to have recorded some activity on that queue during the period, which isn't ideal for many reasons you'd be asking the question.

Hmm okey seems weird we cant see that type of historical data but thank you

You could use the audit API to find out when a user was added and/or removed from a particular queue.

/api/v2/audits/query/realtime - if you're looking in the last 14 days.

/api/v2/audits/query - for a period farther back.

Sample payload for the first:

  "filters": [
      "property": "UserId",
      "value": "<userId>"
      "property": "EntityType",
      "value": "Queue"
      "property": "Action",
      "value": "MemberAdd"
  "interval": "2024-04-25T08:00:00Z/2024-04-26T00:00:00Z",
  "serviceName": "ContactCenter"

As far as I know that does not represent being active on a queue just if you are a member of it.

If you're talking about activated/deactivated on a queue as opposed to just being a member of a queue then yes - the Audit API can likely give you what you're after.

The above was when I went in an deactivated myself on the NTTDemo queue (I'm still a member of the queue - just deactivated).

Cool thank you guys