Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server

Encountered a weird intermittent error on WebMessage launch.

Web user get's displayed, within Messenger:
We apologize but something unexpected happened. Please try again later.

console log extract:

13:10:51.192 GET wss://
[HTTP/1 200 Connection Established 824ms]

13:10:51.555 Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss:// genesysvendors.min.js:13:42124

13:10:51.557 Error (MessengerHelper.openWebSocket): genesys.min.js:10:13551

13:10:51.557 Error: WebSocket closed with reason:  (1006)

This seems to happen only in Firefox , at the beginning of the conversation (actually no conversationId seems to be created) but not every time.

Messenger is configured with
Hide until triggered by business logic
Automatically start Conversation
js Script is also using Database set is used to pass data through to flow as participant data

It looks like sending an empty message on capture of error clears it, but not very user friendly experience.

Any Advice ?


Hi - This appears to be related to a Firefox limitation when dealing with WebSockets > Random disconnects with 1006 error in Firefox · Issue #1436 · websockets/ws · GitHub
We are working on a remedy.

Hi @jcp,

We fixed this and the changes are rolled out. You shouldn't see this intermittent issue anymore, please let us know if any.

Hello we are still experiencing this on our side. It is only error in firefox and none on other browsers.

Hi @IvanDg,

Could you try clearing the browser cache and test again? If the issue still persists, could you please provide:

  1. Browser name, version and OS details

  2. In the network logs, you should see a WebSocket request made to "v1?deploymentId=bafc26b1-17d5-474c-880a-173d8d7903cc&application=messenger-2.7.7". Could you check with what reason it is failing and let us know. We handled the random disconnect with 1006 error code, curious if its something else is still missing.

Hello @Ranjith_Manikante_Sa
It seems like clearing the cache solved the problem. May I know the reason what persistent data was the trigger to this? Thanks you very much!

Hi @IvanDg, It could be local Firefox browser did not pick-up latest changes until after cache is cleared, may be something was blocking it. Ideally, latest changes should be reflecting by default on a normal page reload.

Noted, I understand the issue and 100% can't reproduce it. Thanks!

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