Hi All,
We are deploying Inbound and InQueue call flows through Archy tool via AWS CodePipeline. Few of the call flows are getting deployed successfully and few are getting failed with the following error.
setting the Archy exit code to 100
4058 - ERROR! session startup initialization for startWithClientIdAndSecret complete. Caught unhandled exception waiting for callback function returned promise to resolve. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'apps.', Region:'ca-central-1', ArchSessionId:'HyDU***', OrgName:'', OrgId:'']
4059 - ERROR! ArchSession.startWithClientIdAndSecret - Caught unhandled exception during callback function execution. Ending session. Exception info: expected a string but got a boolean value for: 'true'
4060 Path: '/inqueueCall/startUpTaskActions/actions/evaluateScheduleGroup[?]/closed/actions/setParticipantData[archy_setParticipantData_1]'
4061 Property name: 'name'. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'apps.', Region:'ca-central-1', ArchSessionId:'HyDU***', OrgName:'', OrgId:'']*
4062 - ERROR! ending the Session. Setting the exit code to 99. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'apps.', Region:'ca-central-1', ArchSessionId:'HyDU***', OrgName:'', OrgId:'']*
4063 An error occurred.
We are able to deploy the failed call flows through Archy command line successfully, but the same flow is getting failed via AWS CodePipeline deployment.
Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance !!!