For authenticated messaging, where to find out POST /oauth/userinfo data

I configured Genesys chat in the its dashboard and successfully exchanged auth code to access token. Then the chat window launched successfully.

From my AWS cloud trail log (API access log), I can see Genesys make a good request to my AWS Cognito identity server for userinfo, e.g.: POST /oauth/userinfo

My question is where in Genesys dashboard or other places, I can find the userinfo that Genesys API obtained from my identity server? I need the email address from this userinfo. Thanks!


Make sure that you include the 'email' scope when sending the /authorize request to the authentication server.
WebMessaging currently supports 3 claims:
given_name, family_name and email as listed in this doc.
If email scope is set, email address should be available in variable as described here.

Hope this helps,


Thank you, V.P.!

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