Gather Participant Attributes for all Calls

We are currently pulling a custom participant attribute into our scripts for specific queues. I can see the participant attribute within /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} , however this requires a call for each conversationId. Is there a better or more efficient method of grabbing all of the specific participant data from a list of calls? Or, will I be required to make individual calls with an array of conversationId's over and over?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

If you need it in near real time that's your only option.
If you can wait 24-72 hours for it the Conversations Job endpoint will eventually have it.
If you wait another six months there's a preview API that may give you bulk real time searching if they ever release it or can join whatever beta is previewing it.

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If this isn't a real-time need, it's strongly recommended to use the Analytics conversation detail job to retrieve large amounts of conversation data with participant attributes. See the note about data availability at the bottom; data is available in roughly 24 hours or less (not 1-3 days) depending on when you're querying. The data is aggregated nightly.

If this is a real-time need, the API resource you mentioned is a good option. Using notifications to subscribe to events may be a more efficient option that will scale better, depending on exactly what it is you're doing.

This works perfectly! Thank you for the help

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