Issue with querying Participant Data data in large chunks

Hi @Eos_Rios ,
Issue with querying Participant Data data in large chunks
we are using Participant Data Endpoint to query data of past day. If we query with 1 hour interval also we are missing some data. So we moved to 30 minutes interval and it is able to retrieve the data but the problem is for 1day interval we need to make 48 API calls to this endpoint. If we go with past 3 months interval the API calls will be very huge.

  1. Is there any other endpoints which can provide participant data efficiently with less API calls and Bulk Data?
  2. Which API endpoint should we use for Past Day data and Bulk Data?
    Suggestions are welcome and Thank you in Advance.

See this conversation.

They're also redoing those attributes and their related endpoints with no announced target date but claim the new version will be more reportable and follow a pre-set customer defined schema.

The way participant data is designed today ( unstructured set of KVPs), does not allow us to provide search and filter capabilities on the interaction details reports.
We are addressing the issue of inability to sort custom attributes by introducing the concept of structured conversation custom attributes and investing on a few tech enablers in the back-end, before we can roll-out a new capability to get and set custom attributes ( which in nature works similar to get and set participant data in a structured format ).

In the meantime, I recommend following the status of this Aha idea to track the progress of conversation custom attributes :

It is important to note that even for CCAs we don't plan to provide a groupby capability for the first release, that is why this idea is rejected.

Thank you @Eos_Rios for the information.
Regarding the forum Gather Participant Attributes for all Calls - #3 by tim.smith
it was mentioned by @tim.smith to use conversation details job endpoint. For querying historical Participant data will it work in my usecase?

Yes. The end point you're trying to use is the newer fancier way that was supposed to be better, but I've never bothered with it because I am already using Conversation Details Job to get it and it handles bulk data better.

Okay @Eos_Rios will start R&D between current endpoint schema and conversation jobs schema and will try to use conversation jobs for bulk participant data

Regarding bulk data you are using conversation jobs endpoint. But how are you handling for past day data because jobs data will not be available Clarification around 48 hour limitation for Analytics Conversation Jobs API - #2 by John_Carnell

I get intraday participant data in near real time from a websocket subscribed to v2.routing.queues.{id}.conversations that peels them off and does an upsert into my reporting database for my priority queues I need the most urgently then use conversation details to true up the gaps retroactively.

Prior day data is generally available in the Jobs endpoint by early morning the next day, I have a process that periodically polls GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/availability waiting for data to be complete through COB Yesterday to begin the true up.

Hi @Eos_Rios , Greetings of the day.
Could you answer below queries
Regarding conversation jobs endpoint for conversations and participat data, when the jobs data is available.
1)what is the interval (starttime/endtime) your pulling data?
2)What is the recurrence interval or schedule of your process to pull data (Example:daily,hourly or every 30 munutes)?
3)Also did you face this issue Session Metrics missing in conversations for Analytics Api?If yes let me know the scenarios when you experienced, usecase and resolutions, reference documentation.

@Eos_Rios could you answer above queries

  1. yesterday

  2. daily.

  3. No.

The Jobs endpoint isn't meant to be hit frequently, the content only updates about once a day or in very staggered windows.

I have a job that watches for it to have data through my close of business for the prior day, then run a job import for all of yesterday.

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