GC.exe not creating config.toml

When I first started using gc.exe I ran the gc.exe profiles new command and it created the .gc\config.toml directory and file but since then I cannot get this command to work. I've renamed the .gc folder and even downloaded an updated gc.exe file but it will not create the file. I'm trying to setup an Implicit Grant profile and cannot get it to create the file.

Implicit Grant Login and the CLI (genesys.cloud)

This guide says it should prompt a browser to authenticate during the profile creation but I also don't get this. I'm trying to create PowerShell scripts that will authenticate within the script so I don't have to keep client secret keys within the config.toml file in plain text.

Any ideas why this wont create new profiles?

Hi Brad

Does the command not work when you run it from the CLI, from inside a ps script, or both?


I'm trying to run it directly from the CLI. I'm not trying to script the creation of the profile, at least not yet. I've tried both through a Command Prompt as well as a PowerShell Window, both with and without elevated rights.

And does it work if you try to create a profile using another grant type? Client Credentials, for example.

Also, what OS are you running? I may need this info to recreate the behaviour you're seeing.

It did create the profile when using Client Credentials. I am running Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC build 19044. Using GC Version 96.0.0. And the Client ID that I'm using for the Implicit Grant is configured for Implicit Grant. Here's a screenshot of my command prompt. It successfully created the .gc folder and .toml file on the first run. I then deleted the folder and ran it again trying to create the Implicit Grant connection and it did nothing.

That is strange. v96.0.0 is working as expected for me, so we will have to try this on a Windows VM to see if we can track down the bug.

We will update you on our progress here. In the meantime, if you have any more questions or concerns please let us know.


(Tracking with DEVTOOLING-515)

Thanks for taking a look!

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Hi Brad

A few more questions:

  1. Have you tried using a http connection instead https? If so, what behaviour did you see?
  2. What browser is the default on your machine?


I had not tried the HTTP connection. I did just try it and it seems to have worked. My default browser is Edge. Had to add the HTTP URI to the OAuth client and it loaded, authenticated and created the .toml file.

Hey Brad

Version 97.1.0 was released today, which contains the bug fix for this issue. Please let us know if it works for you!


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Just tested and it worked this time. Of course had the normal invalid cert error but that was to be expected.

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