Generic Chat Notification Integration is being set inactive every time I send a request

I'm currently trying to set up a trigger on acd.end and have been unsuccessful in getting it to update participant data like I had originally hoped so I went down the path of just trying to copy the instructions laid out in this video: Genesys Process Automation with Event Triggers - YouTube however when I get to the step of testing my data action I get the response of "successful" but there is no actual notification. Additionally I've noticed that my Integration gets set to inactive every single time I call the Data action referencing it. I saw this post Generic Chat Notifications Webhook with SSO-only authentication enabled Where they mention it doesn't work with SSO however I haven't seen that documented anywhere and there are no replies to this post so I wasn't sure if that was indeed the case or not?

Hi Davis,

A couple of things.

  1. What is the business use case you are trying to accomplish? Are you trying to capture when a call ends and then take some action? Are you trying to tie this off a wrapup code being set.
  2. Could you put your trigger definition here (minus any sensitive data here)? It might help us reproduce it.
  3. I have not seen the video in question, but we do have a blueprint with a process automation trigger being setup here. You might want to take a look at that and see if there is anything missing.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Hi Davis,

I just saw your other post. Is that the post the one you are asking for here?


These are two somewhat related questions but can be answered without the context of the other, that's why I opened both of them.

This question is more specifically about the fact that whenever I call my Data Action that's connected to a generic chat notification webhook, it returns "success" but doesn't actually send the message to the chat, and then sets the integration to "Inactive" instead of Active.

  1. What is the business use case you are trying to accomplish?
    Atm there isn't a specific use case, I'm just doing research into process automation to present to my buisness some of the ways they could use it. In this case I was going to try to set up a trigger that alerts the managers via chat when there's an agent who's been in ACW for too long.
  2. Could you put your trigger definition here (minus any sensitive data here)? It might help us reproduce it.
    Currently the trigger isn't the issue, I've got the trigger working and can see it entering the workflow, I cannot get the chat webhook to notify the chat.
  3. I have not seen the video in question, but we do have a blueprint with a process automation trigger being setup here . You might want to take a look at that and see if there is anything missing.
    Thanks, checking this out now.

Hi Davis and John,

We have encountered the same issue with the Generic Chat notification system where notifications are not being received, and the integration's state switches to inactive whenever we initiate a data action for testing within a chat group.

We opened a ticket and Care informed us that other customers have reported the same issue. They are currently investigating the matter.

Best regards,


Hi Charaf,

Thanks for letting us know.

  • John

It happens when there is SSO login enabled and username/password login disabled to the system.

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