When I try creating an authorization token using grant_type as "code_authorization" and use that token in my API, I am able to get data for few API's only, not all,
where as when I try the same process for grant_type as "client_credentials", I get empty data JSON array with http status code "200 OK".
Does accessing this API using grant type as Client credentials requires any additional permissions? As same are accessible using Implicit, Saml2Bearer and Code Authorization grants.
Also we noticed the API is giving blank response using grant type as Code Authorization for specific user ID's only. For eg: if i use my login credentials i am getting correct output for the API, however if i use my teammates ID its returns me blank response.
NOTE : All ID's are having identical roles and permission.
We just want to understand are we missing anything here ?
As far as I know, this API request (GET/api/v2/conversations/calls/history) is only to get the calls for the authenticated user.
If you want different set of calls in the system (received by other users), or make a query with a Client Credentials grant (as you are not using a user account to authenticate in this case), you would need to submit a query for conversation details (POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query).
I tried using the above given Query for conversation details (POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query) in my postman, but i got HTTP 404 not found error.
Correct me if I am wrong, I have put below JSON(empty and without values) in the body of this above POST API. However, I am unaware what could be those values be or where can I find them.
This body (JSON with empty values) is not a valid one for the Analytics Query for Conversation Details.
You can find background information on this Analytics Query and its request body on the Developer Center - here and here.
I would also suggest to experiment this API request using the Analytics Query Builder in the Developer Tools.
The tool helps to build the request body of the different Analytics queries.