Hello Genesys Team and Community,
I’m currently using Agentless Outbound Campaigns to connect to an outbound flow when a contact number is added to the contact list associated with the flow. So far, I’ve been creating these campaigns through the Genesys GUI. However, I’d like to transition to creating campaigns programmatically using the Genesys APIs, as I find them more convenient for my workflow.
While attempting to set this up via the API, I encountered a challenge: I’m unable to add an outbound flow as the call response. In the GUI, this is typically done in two steps:
- Adding the outbound flow as a Transfer to Flow in the Call Analysis Response.
- Assigning the configured analysis response to the Call Response field.
Does anyone know how to perform these steps using the Genesys Platform or Outbound APIs? Any guidance, examples, or documentation links would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!