Get an export of all policies (and queues assigned to them)

Just starting out with Python SDK, and I am a Python beginner as well.

Looking for a script that will allow me to export all call recording policies, along with the queues assigned to them into a neat csv file that can be further read and manipulated.

I've grabbed a basic script from the developer API page (see below), but I struggle what to do next with it. I know I'll have to cross the pagination bridge when I get to it, but at this point I'd be happy to figure out how to pull the queue IDs assigned to a policy.

I understand that the script below will generate an "api_response" object, but I am struggling to "grab" those queue IDs from this object.


import PureCloudPlatformClientV2
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: PureCloud OAuth

PureCloudPlatformClientV2.configuration.access_token = 'your_access_token'

or use get_client_credentials_token(...), get_saml2bearer_token(...) or get_code_authorization_token(...)

create an instance of the API class

api_instance = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.RecordingApi();
page_size = 25 # int | The total page size requested (optional) (default to 25)
page_number = 1 # int | The page number requested (optional) (default to 1)
sort_by = 'sort_by_example' # str | variable name requested to sort by (optional)
expand = ['expand_example'] # list[str] | variable name requested by expand list (optional)
next_page = 'next_page_example' # str | next page token (optional)
previous_page = 'previous_page_example' # str | Previous page token (optional)
name = 'name_example' # str | the policy name - used for filtering results in searches. (optional)
enabled = True # bool | checks to see if policy is enabled - use enabled = true or enabled = false (optional)
summary = False # bool | provides a less verbose response of policy lists. (optional) (default to False)
has_errors = True # bool | provides a way to fetch all policies with errors or policies that do not have errors (optional)
delete_days_threshold = 56 # int | provides a way to fetch all policies with any actions having deleteDays exceeding the provided value (optional)

# Gets media retention policy list with query options to filter on name and enabled.
api_response = api_instance.get_recording_mediaretentionpolicies(page_size=page_size, page_number=page_number, sort_by=sort_by, expand=expand, next_page=next_page, previous_page=previous_page, name=name, enabled=enabled, summary=summary, has_errors=has_errors, delete_days_threshold=delete_days_threshold)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling RecordingApi->get_recording_mediaretentionpolicies: %s\n" % e)

I've tried to drill down into the api_response, but I get an error message "Class 'PolicyEntityListing' does not define 'getitem'... I wonder what other way can I use to drill down into the api_response and get the data that I need?

There might be easier ways to do this, but I figured this one...

#transform api response into a json content
content = api_response.to_json()
json_content = json.loads(content)

Once you have the JSON format you can drill down into the entity to get more specific date, for example:
policy_name = (json_content["entities"][index]["name"])
policy_id = (json_content["entities"][index]["id"])
queues = (json_content["entities"][index]["media_policies"]["call_policy"]["conditions"]["for_queues"])

Index would be the number of the entity within the policy API starting at 0.

Hopefully this helps someone.

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