Get evaluations from a time range of "ConversationDate""

I use the api function: /api/v2/quality/evaluations/query to query all evaluations from a specific "agentUserId" and I need to get only from a specific range of "ConversationDate".
The api give me the chance of filter by "ReleaseDate" or "ChangedDate" (I'm not sure about that), but I need to filter by "ConversationDate"

Can anyone help me?

Hello, IlyaVarela

What you are attempting is not possible from the /api/v2/quality/evaluations/query endpoint alone. In order to get the data you need, you'll need to take up to two steps.

step #1: Get the evaluationIds from the conversation details analytics query. Try using the analytics query builder to make this a lot easier.
The response will give you the following fields for the evaluations:

evaluationId, evaluatorId, userId, eventTime, queueId, formId, contextId, formName, calibrationId, oTotalScore, and oTotalCriticalScore.

If the conversation details record doesn't contain the evaluation data you were looking for, continue to step 2.

step #2: expand the evaluationIds you got back from the analytics query via the /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations/{evaluationId} endpoint

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