Get queueId from Interaction Subscription

Hi, I'm using Framework Embedded and I need to invoke clickToDial, sending queueId as is described here

The problem is that I just get queueName from an Interaction Suscription, but I need queueId.

    "type": "interactionSubscription",
    "data": {
        "category": "change",
        "interaction": {
            "old": {
                "queueName": "Queue_1",
            "new": {
                "queueName": "Queue_1",

Any way to get queueId?


Please, Any help here?

If the queue id is not there you can use the JavaScript ID to get a list of the queues (or look up by the name) and then retrieve the queue id from the returned results.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement


What JavaScript ID? I'm inspecting with Chrome and I don't find any queueId, just queueNames.

Please, Can you share any example of getting data by that way you say?


Hi Javier,

Sorry, I tried to answer your question in between meetings, and my answer was garbled.

Take a look at this API. There is a query parameter to filter the results by name. You can use our API explorer or CLI to poke at this endpoint to understand the shape of the data. So if you need the queue ID for a specific queue name you can use this API. You can also use our Javascript API (though in the context of a web client, the SDK is a very light wrapper around the API and most Dev's call the API directly.

I hope that helps.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

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