Get responseId for whatsapp template?

Hi there.

I'm trying to send an agentless WhatsApp message.
I get the following error running my test code:

''No Response could be found with an id of .. whatever...'

-> now I have no reason to think I have the right ID here, yet.

Q1: *As far as I am aware this should be the Id of the WhatsApp template I want to use?
-> am I even looking for the right thing here?

I query for response management libraries with getResponsemanagementLibraries

-> get a list of the libraries (there is just one).

Then I query for Response Management Responses with getResponsemanagementResponses with the library ID I got previously

-> this succeeds, but it appears to be empty?

getResponsemanagementLibraries success! data: {
"entities": [
"id": "the ID of the library*",
"name": "it's name*",
"version": 1,
"createdBy": {
"id": "me*",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/users/me"
"dateCreated": "2025-01-21T14:16:32.146Z",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries/the ID again"
"pageSize": 25,
"pageNumber": 1,
"total": 1,
"lastUri": "/api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1",
"firstUri": "/api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1",
"pageCount": 1

getResponsemanagementResponses success! data: {
"entities": [],
"pageSize": 25,
"pageNumber": 1,
"total": 0,
"lastUri": "/api/v2/responsemanagement/responses?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1&libraryId=%5Bobject+Object%5D",
"firstUri": "/api/v2/responsemanagement/responses?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1&libraryId=%5Bobject+Object%5D",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/responsemanagement/responses?pageSize=25&pageNumber=1&libraryId=%5Bobject+Object%5D",
"pageCount": 0

This is the body of the request I am sending:

"fromAddress": "** UUID of WhatsApp Integration ",
"toAddress": "
To number without + ",
"toAddressMessengerType": "whatsapp",
"messagingTemplate": {
"bodyParameters": [
"id": "1",
"value": "Some text"
"id": "2",
"value": "more text"
"id": "3",
"value": "more text"
"id": "4",
"value": "more text"
"responseId": "
currently using the library ID as I don't really know what to put here **"

OK, I got the ID from postResponsemanagementResponsesQuery

--> And *appear to have sent the message successfully....:

There's quite a bit in the response I get - but it *looks 'queued'? (I'm not getting the message)

"status": "queued",
"normalizedMessage": {
  "id": "94257cd5272fb8c1bf0f53ddf838b1c1",
  "channel": {
    "id": "ad498395-acba-4361-b9b4-3f95099bb98d",
    "platform": "Whatsapp",
    "type": "Private",
    "to": {
      "id": "**me**",
      "idType": "Opaque"
    "from": {
      "id": "ad498395-acba-4361-b9b4-3f95099bb98d",
      "idType": "Opaque"
    "time": "2025-01-21T17:26:13.286Z"

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