getAuthToken not working on embedded framework

Hi all.

Been using embedded framework for a while and been able to interact between framework.js and a frontend system to catch messages like login, call accepted, call disconnected, etc to perform several frontend topics.

Now I would like to use API for some queue manipulation. I have this done and working using it's own external Oauth workflow but I was wondering if using embedded framework method getAuthToken is it possible to actually reuse login to perform API operations so user doesn't need to log in 2 times(embedded and frontend) and reuse tokens for some operations.

After looking at the documentation, forum and github example my code looks somewhat like this:

initialSetup: function () {
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
try {
var message = JSON.parse(;
}else if(message.type == "requestAuthToken"){
window.PureCloud.User.getAuthToken(function (token){
window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ type: "userActionSubscription", data: { category: "token", token: token } }), "*");


if (message.type === 'userActionSubscription' && === 'login') {
// Scroll to the softphone iframe and focus it
var softphoneIframe = document.getElementById('softphone');
console.log("sending request for TOKEN")
softphoneIframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ type: "requestAuthToken" }, "*");
if (message.type === 'authToken') {
// Hande framework.js token response and do stuff
self.updateAuthTokenInSystem(session.uid, message.token);

My iframe definition has the url key to allow this kind of operations:
iframe id="softphone" src="Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework"/>
The call to framework.js seems to work but then nothing happens, no error and framework.js doesn't return anything.

Any idea what I'm missing? Is there a way to debug framework.js received messages?

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