Getting Abandoned Conversation

Good morning,

I am wondering if there is a way to discern if a conversation was abandoned through the analytics detail events. I am in the process of setting up the EventBridge Integration to replace our current analytics import process using the APIs; using the APIs, we currently flag a conversation as abandoned if it includes the "tAbandon" metric.

I noticed that there is a "preview" topic,{id}.metrics, that includes the tAbandon metric. I could use this if there is not a reliable method of determining if a conversation was abandoned through the currently-released topics. In that case, how do I go about signing up to enable the preview topic in my organization, if possible?

Thank you,


Hello Branson! Tracking this via the abandon metric is the recommended method. We're in the testing phase of getting that feature released right now and are currently on track to have that available for GA May 4th. We're not running a beta for this feature, but rest assured we'll have it available very soon.

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