Help - Integrate genesys Cloud CX

Hello, I currently have a mobile messaging application built natively, my intention is to be able to integrate Genesys Cloud Cx for referral with agents, from the backend I want to consume the Genesys apis, for that I have some doubts:

  • What is the endpoint to create conversations and assign it to the queue?
  • what is the endpoint to simulate that the user is sending messages to the Genesys platform? (user -> mobile app -> genesys)
  • How do I receive the events (webhooks) of the agents' messages and other events such as the closing of the conversation?

I have seen a deployment concept in the genesys documentation, but I see that it is more linked to genesys' own integrations, in my case I want to integrate genesys externally and with only HTTP APIs.

I wanted to know if there is something similar to this, for example:

  • /conversation - create conversation and assign it to a queue
  • conversation/{conversationID}/user/message send messages from a user to the agent for a specific conversation
  • conversation/close close conversation
  • (webhooks) to receive conversation events and agent messages

I hope you can help me, thanks


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