Help with authorization API parameter

Hi all,

Can someone help me to resolve a problem with authorization api?

i have a doubt about subjectType parameter in the postAuthorizationRole method.
consulting the documentation at

need to send PC_USER, PC_GROUP or PC_OAUTH_CLIENT. But I get the response COULD NOT FIND PC_USER

what is the function of this parameter and why do I get this response? even sending the empty parameter, I get the same error


This request worked for me where the subject ID is a user id.

POST /api/v2/authorization/roles/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?subjectType=PC_USER HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer **************************************************************************************
Content-Type: application/json


If this is what you're doing and it's causing that error, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate.

Hello Tim
Thanks for the answer

my question is about the subjectType parameter

String subjectType = "PC_USER"; // String | what the type of the subjects are (PC_GROUP, PC_USER or PC_OAUTH_CLIENT)

in the subjectID parameter I am putting the user id

{"message":"Could not find PC_USER(s): 3f1e26a9-96fd-XXXX-XXXX-028d95257b5e","code":"not.found","status":404,"contextId":"3d087ce8-f149-XXXX-XXXX-82b01b707bd3","details":[],"errors":[]}

If the user id you're sending is a valid user id, you'll need to open a case with Care to investigate why it's returning a 404 for a valid user id.

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