How to add eperationDateTime to DNC entries from a Data Action

I’m struggling to get the expirationDateTime set on the data action

On the API Explorer call it's added with ?expirationDateTime=2023-03-27T09%3A00Z

I can't use this in the Data Action as this causes an error.
How do I add this to the Data Action?

Request URL Template - /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/${input.DNCListId}/phonenumbers
Request Body Template - ["${input.Phone1}","${input.Phone2}","${input.Phone3}"]

Any suggestions welcome since we need this to make the addition regulatory compliant.

Have you tried using urlTool.optionalQueryParam ?

You can't use that from a Rule Based action on Dialler. As this is the only way to trigger a data action it only uses inputs and has no way returning the output form an action back to the dialler so any conversion is not returning its result.

I thought I had a way of doing this using but found another dialler limitation.

If you can't accomplish what you need with only configuration of a data action, the recommended approach is to create a middleware endpoint that can do what you want and exposes a REST endpoint that the data action can call. This is commonly done using API Gateway and a Lambda function.

A couple of ideas you could vote on / add additional use cases:

You have my vote on both

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