How to add new parameters in userData

Is it possible to add a new parameter "queue name" in userData? Can we use conditional statements in the architect flow and route that flow to two different queues if possible based on the output we get from conditions we set there?


If your question is about WebChat v2 (Widgets V2), yes, you can set a userData set in your widgets (guest side) and leverage the value in the Architect Inbound Chat flow.
You can check this blog for details: Collecting and using customer information with web chat widget version 2


Sure @Jerome.Saint-Marc , thanks!

Hi @Jerome.Saint-Marc,
Using Guest-Chat API configuration, we have defined a variable called poid as participant attribute under customFields in widget configuration. Does it work same as userData structure in Webchat V2 configuration?
Source of genesys-api.service.ts - chat-connector.webservice - Bitbucket (

We have added the poid variable as get participant data in the architect flow and have used poid variable in the scripts in genesys also for screen pop functionality have set the variable Flow.poid in set screen pop action as well, but it is not getting displayed on the agent's workspace. Is there any missing configuration?
NON PROD - CI_Chat_chatbot_team - 23.0 - Get Participant Data (


I can't access your link (Source of genesys-api.service.ts....).

Assuming you are referring to this Guest Chat API and to this customFields attribute - Create a new chat,
yes, it will work the same way than the userData structure of the Widget V2 configuration (as I explained in the blog I referenced in my previous post).

If your customFields structure contains an attribute with name "poid", it will be propagated to the Genesys Cloud Conversation, in the customer's participant data, with "context.poid" attribute name.
You can check this with a GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId} (via Platform API).

In your Architect flow, in your Get Participant Data block, you will use context.poid as the name.

In your Script, you will define your variable with Input toggle enabled and with name poid
Make sure to enable Chat in your Script's properties (as explained in the blog).


Thank you so much.

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